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Friday, November 20, 2009 by Mikey

Okay, so, this is sort of random, but...

What's the first thing you think of when you hear this phrase?

It hit me like a parade of elephants. How was I supposed to feel?


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When Do Your Thoughts Reach Your Paper?

Monday, November 16, 2009 by Mikey

Planning a novel is a difficult thing. I'm realizing that now more than over. Not only is it difficult, but it's time consuming, and it's a slippery slope that leads to a very sticky web if you're not careful. The more you plan, the better your ideas would get, I should think. But when do you think so much that you over-do it? Can the simple answer be the best answer?

I've been planning my novel for at least two months now, sometimes just thinking, sometimes writing snippets down in a notebook, or typing out notes for myself during my computer classes. But the more I think about my book to be, the more flaws I see, and the more I think, and it's just a never-ending cycle. I mean, my book is not going to be perfect, so if I ever want to see a chance of it ever getting published, I should probably get to writing.

That's difficult for me though. If I don't know what I'm about to write, it feels lifeless. I need to have a clear image in my mind and then I can put a spin on it if necessary. But every time I sit down to do an outline, I realize something that is wrong, YET AGAIN. It's horrible, really it is. I keep telling myself, "Mikey, just do a first draft, you can edit it later..." That seems like a good idea.
But what if I start it too soon? What if I begin my first draft right before I have my breakthrough idea, and it never comes to me? Or is that just wishful thinking? Am I just kidding myself into thinking that if I just keep mulling it over something will just come to ? I would like to believe that this is true, but the more time I spend scratching my head in search for answers, that's less time that I actually spend making progress on novel. Sure, I'd consider planning progress, but when my thoughts never even touch paper - they're just passing inklings - somehow I feel like I'm cheating myself.

So, when do your thoughts reach your paper?

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LOST - Your Guilty Pleasure

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 by Mikey

Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say that it was love at first sight. That would be sort of a stretch. It was more like love at first episode. The first time I saw a commercial for Lost on ABC, I scoffed. I really did. I couldn't imagine that a show could actually have any merit when it was based off of people being stranded on a deserted island. Maybe that was due to my experience in the RP world and bad run-ins with these so-called "litrate island rps", but that's hardly a good reason to discredit a perfectly good TV show. I have a bad problem with judging books by their covers, and more often than not, TV shows by their commercials.

Then one fateful night, my sister decided to rent the first two disks of the first season of Lost, well after the second season was over. The third hadn't started yet, but it was nearing time to start, and we figured that if we were going to get into this show, since we had heard good things about it, it might as well be now.

Actually, I wasn't involved in the initial "Let's Watch LOST!" party. When it happened, I was downstairs on my computer playing a videogame (probably Final Fantasy X) and unaware of what was going on in the living room right above me. The sound was up pretty loud in both rooms, but when the music of Final Fantasy reached a low, I could hear the sound of some pretty intense carnage resonating from the TV upstairs. I paused my game and walked up the stairs and laid my eyes upon the TV. There I was, staring at a bunch of crazed people running across the beach in a frenzy.

And that night, my friends, I went to bed at around four o'clock. It was amazing how easy it was to just pop the next disc in after four straight hours of LOST. When the second disk was over, I cringed in dissapointment. I knew that we would have to wait until the next night to get the third, and that seriously made me upset.

That was the beginning of my LOST obsession. Except, I couldn't really accept the fact that I had missed the first two episodes of the third season because of basketball, so I waited that entire time AND longer for it to come out on DVD. Believe me, it's much more satisfying that way.

And now that we are in the wake of Lost's rumored bittersweet ending, I can't help finding myself in a state of intense confusion. It's just this whole idea of, you know, most likely abandoning TV of all kind after the show has officially ended since nothing can really satisfy my appetite as much. It's like meth. The dopamine. My brain can't experience happy now since I've been addicted to meth - I mean LOST - so long that I don't even know what to do with myself. I even go through withdrawals when I don't have a weekly fix of LOST. My family has all of the seasons on DVD and we have marathons all the time. Sometimes I randomly watch "The Other 48 Days" because I'm just obsessed with that episode.


Anyway, I'm gonna pop a blood vessel if I continue to write this post, so tell me about your favorite TV shows and how it's so ghetto how we have to wait soooo long between seasons. Or you could just tell me how much you love LOST and how it's basically better than almost every other show.


In every way.

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Bad to be a Guy?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 by Mikey

Last night I was having a little chat with my friend, Corey. He's a weird fella, let me tell you. But anyway, that's not the point. Randomly he says to me, "Man, guys can be so cruel sometimes..." I'm just sitting there wondering where that really came from, trying to interpret the purpose of the sentiment. So naturally, I inquired. "What do you mean?"

Corey relayed a story to me about a girl who had been gang raped after her prom. She was fifteen years old. Obviously, my first reaction was, "Wow, that's horrible, how could anyone do that?" Corey then proceeded to tell me that it made him feel bad because he is a guy and guy's do bad things like this all the time.

At that point, my face seriously lurched and a quizzical look took me over. I just didn't understand it. So I asked him, "Why? It wasn't you that did it." He said, "Yeah, but it's just the idea of guys doing bad things. It makes me feel bad, because I know that I'm a guy."

Well, I had to go after that. So I left, and I was still amazed. Am I weird, or is he weird? I just really don't understand the whole thing. Of course, a girl being raped in any situation is a horrible event, and the man who commits the crime should be punished for his actions. I know that people say that one bad apple spoils the bunch, but that's hard for me to believe.

Should all men be held accountable for the crimes of the few who decide to become deviants in our society. Are we all REALLY capable of this sort of behavior just because of our genetic make-up?

I know that I don't feel bad at all about being a guy. I had no decision in the matter, I don't do things (as far as I'm concerned) that degrade the name of male's across the world. If a girl is gang raped, feel bad for the girl, not yourself. Not only does it not make any sense but reverting the situation toward yourself really seems like you're just trying to detract from the gravity of the actual predicament. She was raped by someone else, not you. So please, don't make it about yourself.

Take my words with a grain of salt please. One last question though. Do you think that a lot of people share this sentiment?

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The Way I Do

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 by Mikey

Wassup yo? My name's Mikey! I'm getting on the wagon so I'm not a total loser! I need a blog, right? Any respectable teen writer does. Anyway, I'm not that creative, so who knows how long this will last anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up, because I've seriously run out of things to do after I get home from school. Also, this might help me with my mental issues.

ANYWAY, um, enough rambling. Like I said, my name is Mikey, and I'm a teen writer. I write YA Epic Fantasy, but that's just my current WIP. I'm considering delving into the world of Urban Fantasy and possibly just YA Fiction. I really just like to write, even though it's sort of difficult, especially plotting my WIP. My brain hurts sometimes and I get frustrated and just resort to doodling to get my annoyance out.

Okay, so I don't know exactly what I'm gonna be putting on this blog, but I figure you can expect me to ask questions of you, especially if my posts are about my writing. I'm considering talking about Pop Culture too, just for fun, since I'm sort of a nerd when it comes to celebrities sometimes. But mostly writing, I promise. I'm gonna try to start reading more too. Blah. xD

If you wanna know a little bit more about me... uh...

I'm Sixteen, I live in Colorado, the lamest state in the U.S. (aside from Wyoming), I have five brothers and three sisters, my dad is insane and my mom is crazy (yup there's a difference), I'm sort of obsessed with Imogen Heap and I LOVE Grilled Cheese. I have psoriasis and serious self-image issues. It's weird, really deep rooted in psychology. I should probably be seeing a psychologist, but I don't, so... eh, whatevs.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna try to get as many posts up as fast as I can because I'm really impatient, and if this just sits inactive for too long, I'LL HAVE AN ANEURISM.


P.S.; If you have ANY questions for me, don't be afraid to ask. I'm an extremely open person.

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About Me

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I'm seventeen, living in Colorado. An aspiring writer. I try but fail most times. I'd like to think I pick myself up and keep going though. I have a fetish for the human spirit and abuse it as much as I can in my stories just to show how strong people can be. Lame, I know. I really like Imogen Heap, Lost, Grilled Cheese, Fantasy in general, and movies. I want to learn more about directing, producing, acting, and all that jazz eventually.
