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So, the other day, I was reading around Absolute Write, like I do sometimes when none of the other Twifties are online, and I stumbled upon something that troubled me pretty greatly. With all the excitement about actually making headway on the writing of my book, I forgot that, at some point, I'm going to have to start querying. You know, appeal to people other than myself.
Basically what I discovered was that I'm not supposed to be writing a series in four seperate parts, I'm supposed to be writing a stand-alone novel that has series potential. Immediately my heart sank a little and I was kind of discouraged. I mean, I've been planning this series for quite some time now, and especially in the first book, I was planning quite the cliffhanger ending. I don't know how much people like cliffhangers in the first place, but it was going to be pretty cool, let me tell ya.
I thought a bit about it after talking to some of the twifties and realized that I wouldn't have to change my book that much. I would just basically have to add some sort of story arc or arcs that could be resolved in the first book so that I would be able to market the thing.
The more I think about it though, the more it upsets me. I don't want to change my book just because a publisher or an editor wants a stand-alone novel as opposed to a series. Somehow, that just seems cruel to me. I know I'm probably over-reacting, but it's something I can't control, not this soon.
I also realize that, of course, people need to see at least some sort of resolution at the end of the first novel. And they will, I'm certain of that much. The book wouldn't really end if nothing was resolved, but having a cliffhanger ending doesn't really compute with "series-potential".
All right, this is a rant, but I guess what I'm asking is, do you agree with this? Do you understand it?
What's your opinion on the whole matter? I know most of you aren't writing series in the first place, but still, I should think that maybe in the future you will. Then again, I could be wrong. Either way... tell me what you think!
About Me
- Mikey
- I'm seventeen, living in Colorado. An aspiring writer. I try but fail most times. I'd like to think I pick myself up and keep going though. I have a fetish for the human spirit and abuse it as much as I can in my stories just to show how strong people can be. Lame, I know. I really like Imogen Heap, Lost, Grilled Cheese, Fantasy in general, and movies. I want to learn more about directing, producing, acting, and all that jazz eventually.